In this category we have put together combinations of our top sellers. These premium packages are designed to cover all gift needs for a hotel business, with standard design and organization to save time and reduce costs. There are options in terms of quantity for small and large businesses. Each package includes gifts for all categories (welcome, partners, VIP guests, etc.), we offer free gifts for kids and seasonal gifts.

Small budget gifts suitable as arrival or departure gifts. These are lightweight items in travel packaging and translated texts that feature all elements of a vacation souvenir gift. This category is also suitable for exhibitions as these gifts are easy to transport.

Packaging and logo placement included for all items.

Gifts for regular hotel guests, in packages that include two gifts for both guests of a double room. These are gifts of medium cost, as they are intended for selected guests and not for all guests of an accommodation.

Packaging and logo placement included for all items in this category.

Here you will find exclusive gifts from our catalog, presented in luxury packaging. This collection features personalized solutions using materials such as silver, silk and other combinations of materials, packaged in handmade gift boxes designed specifically for your accommodation.

This category includes solutions for honeymoon suites, wellness suites or gifts that you have in mind and that we can implement together, even in small quantities.

Gifts for the partners of a small or large hotel business. The collection for business partner includes various types of stationery for hotel inspections and various useful items suitable for an office. The packages in this category include one gift.

Packaging and logo placement included for all items in this category.

For kids

Some options for the young hotel guests. These are paper designs that combine playing with the knowledge of some cultural features of Greece or the development of environmental awareness among the young guests. The gifts for kids are aimed at children aged 4 to 10 years and involve the participation of parents for a family experience.

Color change and logo placement available for all items in this category.
